HCFBDC’s5th Annual Golf Tournament
The Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre (HCFBDC) is hosting the 5th Annual HCFBDC Golf Tournament on Saturday June 14, 2025, at the Seaforth Golf Club with a 1:00 pm shot-gun start.
HCFBDC is a registered Canadian Charity (#810603951RR0001) established in 2008. Our purpose is to source and supply food and related products for distribution to the food banks and aid agencies in Huron County as well as food-aid agencies in Stratford, St. Marys, and Mitchell. HCFBDC also operates a Mobile Food Bank program in 6 rural Huron County villages each month. Our intent is to provide food security to everyone who has a need and work towards making hunger non-existent in our communities.
Golf registration is $150.00 per person. Registration includes 18 holes with cart, light lunch, and dinner to follow. Please arrive between 11:30 am and 12 noon for cart and hole assignments for the 1:00 pm shot-gun start.
Featuring the “Hole-In-One” contest with an opportunity to win $25,000.00.